
Our advanced aggregation capabilities make integrating multiple data sources and formats a reality without getting bogged down by interoperability, at an affordable cost.

Faster, Actionable Insights

The Vitreos Data Integrator (VDI) is an Adaptive ETL Framework built to enhance and speed up the ETL process. This results in faster, actionable insights about your patient population which will help contribute to quality health outcomes and improve financial performance.

  • By allowing VitreosHealth to manage your data, there is no need for additional infrastructure or to hire IT or data analytics professionals
  • Multiple sources of data in a diversity of file formats are accepted. Our proprietary library of plug-in scripts converts your data into one uniform “Vitreos Format” which can then be analyzed quickly
  • An extensive collection of rules maps disparate sources of data (like claims and EHR data) to create a full 360-degree picture of every patient
  • Natural Language Processing algorithms can even analyze handwritten documents making patient history forms accessible and usable
  • As new sources of data are available, our additive data model can easily integrate the new source rather than ‘rip and replace’
  • Customer can start with any data files and keep adding more at any point to the Big Data model without losing historical significance

An Accelerated Timeline

  • A Distributed Cluster Server System accommodates fast processing for even very large data sets
  • Predictive risk care management analytics typically delivered in 30-45 days of client data submission using client claims, EHR and demographics data
  • Each month, your suite of applications is refreshed within two (2) weeks after monthly data delivery to VitreosHealth
  • VitreosHealth takes responsibility for data integrity by performing various validation routines with every data refresh

We improve population health outcomes through innovative data warehousing, analytics, and improvement services.

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